What do you need the placeholders for?

If you want to use an interactive tool, which needs to receive certain event, session or user data, as a content page or a poster in your session, you can define placeholders for this parameters and the parameters will be automatically set while opening the URL. An example for tat can be a multi language content page which needs to know what language did user select.

What placeholders are possible?

Following placeholders are supported:

  1. {{sessionId}} - unique identifier of the session / event
  2. {{sessionStartDate}} - start date and time (encoded as UTC/ISO-String) of the session / event
  3. {{sessionEndDate}} - end date and time (encoded as UTC/ISO-String) of the session / event
  4. {{sessionTitle}} - title of the session / event
  5. {{sessionDescription}} - description of the session / event
  6. {{tenantId}} - unique identifier of the STREAMBOXY tenant
  7. {{eventId}} - unique identifier of the event
  8. {{userLanguage}} - currently selected display language
  9. {{userToken}} - access token of the user
  10. {{userName}} - name of the user
  11. {{userFirstName}} - firstname of the user
  12. {{userLastName}} - lastname of the user
  13. {{userEmail}} - login e-mail of the user
  14. {{sessionUserId}} - ID of the user
  15. {{userNotificationLanguage}} - selected e-mail template of the user

Warning: providing the user token to a site allows this site to access any data the user has access to, so please only set this parameter for the sites you absolutely trust.

What are the rules for the use of URL placeholders?

Following rules apply to URL placeholders:

  1. You can use any query parameter name assigning the value of placeholder through equality (e.g. mySessionId={{sessionId}}).
  2. Placeholders are always wrapped in {{}}.
  3. The first placeholder should be introduced by question mark symbol (?) after the URL of your site.
  4. Placeholders should be separated by ampersand (&).
  5. If any of the provided parameters changes, the content page will be reloaded with the new value.

An example of valid URL with parameters is something like: https://example.com?id={{sessionId}}&title={{sessionTitle}}&lang={{userLanguage}}

Where are the URL placeholders used?

Placeholders can be used in following areas:

Including custom properties in URL placeholders

As an organiser, you can also use your own custom properties of event users, sessions and events as placeholders and insert them into the URL. This allows you to create more individual content pages.

For the integration of custom properties from the event, the URL placeholder is: customEvent

For the integration of custom properties from the session, the URL placeholder is: customSession 

For the integration of custom properties of event users, the URL placeholder is: customUser

An example of customEvent: 

For example, an event property is "event title". As a placeholder, this is then inserted into the URL as follows: customEvent_%EventTitle%. 

An example of customSession: 

For example, a session property is "session title". As a placeholder, this is then inserted into the URL as follows: customSession_%SessionTitle%. 

An example of customUser: 

A user property is for example "age of participant". As a placeholder, this is then inserted into the URL as follows: customUser_%AgeParticipant%

Please note that no spaces or special characters may be used in the placeholders. Upper and lower case can be adjusted.

What are the limits for URL placeholders?

The different browsers have a maximum number of characters in the URL. 

Here is an overview of which browser can contain how many characters in the URL: 

Maximum number of characters in the URL
Chrome 32779
Android 8192
Firefox >64k
Safari >64k
Edge 16