What are Custom Properties?

The following article describes the creation and use of "custom properties".

These properties can be used when creating users and/or events. This results in numerous possible applications, such as the creation of user profiles with interests, address data, etc. or the categorisation of events into subject areas, event types, publication settings, etc.

Custom Properties can be created, set and evaluated manually in the STREAMBOXY Backstage interface or from external systems via the STREAMBOXY REST interface.

This allows STREAMBOXY to be strongly integrated with other systems or extended with custom components.

ATTENTION: The "Tenant Event Administrator" may only edit the user-defined properties of the events and the general administrator may edit the user-defined properties of the ‘Event Users’.

Creating and managing customised properties

You can create Custom Properties for your events and your created participants.

In order to do that, you have to configure the properties in the tenant settings.

In the navigation bar that opens, first click on "Custom properties" and then on the ‘Add’ button in the top right-hand corner to define and configure properties.

Add property

In the following menu, you have the option of defining a property. 

To create a property, there are the following elements to fill in: 

Internal Name

Give the new property to be created a name. This name is displayed if there is no label for the current user language. 

Data type

Select here which value type the property should have. 

Here you can choose between the following elements:

  • Number (with decimal places)

  • Checkbox

  • Text field (free text)

  • Date (e.g. query of the ‘date of birth’)

  • Drop-down list (e.g.: query of ‘gender’; either ‘male’, ‘female’ or ‘diverse’ can be queried)

    After selecting "Drop-down list" as the property value type, you can select any number of selection variants for the drop-down list by clicking on "Add choice".

    A further settings window opens in which the variant can be created.
    Create choice

    Internal name: Give the new variant to be created a name. This name is displayed if there is no label for the current user language. 

    Position: Determines the order in which the custom properties you have created are sorted.

    Visibility in the user interface: You can use this setting to determine whether the variant is displayed in the user interface or not.

    Translations: If languages have been activated in the tenant settings, the translations of the respective languages can be added to the variants.

  • Multiple selection (e.g.: query of ‘hobbies’; several listed hobbies can be selected)

    After selecting ‘Multiple selection’ as the property value type, you can select any number of selection variants for the multiple selection by clicking on "Add choice". While you are creating a selection variant, you can specify what name, position and visibility it has in the final multiple selection and assign labels as before.

  • Image
    If you select ‘Image’ as the property value type, you can upload images for the selected availabilities in your event, sessions and users and use them as customised properties. This property value type is currently not supported and cannot yet be integrated into a user registration form.


Where should the custom property be used/assigned in STREAMBOXY? 

  • Available for event

    Select here whether the property should be created for the event. If you check the box, the property can be used for the configuration of events.

  • Available for session
    Select here whether the property should be created for the session. 
    If you check the box, the property can be used for the configuration of sessions.

  • Available for asset
    Select here whether the property should be created for the asset in Content Manager.
    If you check the box, the property can be used for the configuration of asset.

  • Available for user

    Select here whether the property is to be created for users. 
    If you check the box, the property can be used for configuration in the user profile.


By ticking the checkbox, you decide whether the property should be displayed on the user interface. The property is then displayed in the user and event settings. 
These settings can be adjusted at any time. 


Select here for whom the user-defined property should be available. You can choose between three options: 

  • Backstage User
    If ‘Backstage user’ is selected, only the backstage user, i.e. tenant user, can see the values of the customised property and no other roles. This role also appears in the Excel export of the user data. As a rule, only administrators of the event have this role - stage users do not have access to these properties. 

  • Logged in Users
    If ‘Logged in users’ is selected, only users logged in for the event can see the values of the custom property and no other roles. As a rule, administrators and stage users (e.g. event administrator, administrator, speaker) have this role. 
    Detailed information on STREAMBOXY roles can be found here.

  • Anonymous
    If ‘Anonymous’ is selected, the values of the user-defined property can be viewed by anyone. For example, participants who are not logged in will then also have access to the values of the user-defined properties. 


By ticking the checkbox, you decide whether or not the property should be copied with the data record when copying an event. 

For example, user-defined properties for a user registration can be copied automatically with the events without any problems, but if you have a Pardot integration in your tenant, for example, which triggers an automatic mailing to participants in Pardot lists, this setting should not be selected.


If you want to use the custom property in the registration form, you have the option of adding an additional note, also known as a tooltip, here.

This is then displayed to the user by moving the mouse over it.



If required, you can translate the property into up to five languages, in which it is displayed depending on the language selection.

If the value is not available in the user language, the internal name is displayed. The definition of the labels is available in German, English, Spanish, French and Italian.

More information on the multilingualism can be found here

Please note that when creating cstuom properties, the property must first be created in order to be able to define selection variants (see drop-down list, multiple selection), for example.

TranslationsEvent Custom properties

After you create the custom properties in your tenant settings, you can manage them in the following places in the respective events:

  • Event Users 
  • Event 
  • Sessions 
  • Assets
  • User Registration