What are language versions?

Your content can be created and managed in different language versions in your Content Manager. 

There is a distinction between the language versions of e-mail templates and content pages.

Create e-mail templates in different language versions

The language versions of email templates can be managed in two places in the Content Manager. Either when creating the template or in the editing interface of the template.

When creating the template, you have the option of selecting the desired language version directly under "Email template" and creating it with "Add".

language options

Create content pages in different language versions

The language versions of content pages can be managed in two places in the Content Manager. Either during creation or in the editing interface of the content page.

When creating your content page, you have the option of selecting the desired language version directly and creating it by clicking "Add".

default language



What is content metadata?

Content metadata provides you with all the information about your content.

The metadata can be viewed in the respective editing interface on the left-hand sidebar.

The following metadata is displayed there.

  • Upload metadata with upload status, name, description, URL, creation information and editing information.
    During the creation process, there are three possible statuses that can be displayed in STREAMBOXY.
    • Pending (pending - the video is not currently being created, but is still being created).
    • Prosessing (In progress - the video is currently being created and made available as an asset).
    • Finished (Completed - creation is complete and the thumbnail is generated automatically).
      The video creation may take a few minutes depending on the size of the video. Please reload the page to check the current creation status. The status is not automatically updated.
      Upload metadata
  • Content metadata with language version selection and creation, name, description, URL, creation information and editing information.

    In the language version selection, you can select language versions that have already been created. If you have not yet created any language versions, you also have the option of creating new language versions.
    You have the option of creating language versions in German, English, Spanish, Italian and French.
    Please note: When creating new language versions, the templates you have already created are copied and not translated directly.